During a campaign rally in Topeka, KS, Donald Trump claimed President Obama was directly responsible for the illegal forced deportation of a young farm girl. According to Trump, Dorothy Gale, age 12, was forcibly removed from her house and taken across the border to the hostile land of Oz. “Failed domestic policies and a struggling economy under the Obama Administration has forced Kansas farmers to remain in Tornado Alley.” Trump told pitchfork wielding supporters. “Yes folks, President Obama has allowed terrorist tornadoes to form, and a little girl lost her home and her dog.” Trump continued, “People said that Dorothy was left alone amongst radical munchkins who are part a dangerous organization known as the Lollipop Guild. I’m hearing they could be a threat to national security and Obama’s doing nothing to stop them.” “Crooked Hilary and the Clinton Foundation have accepted money from the Emerald City and a mysterious wizard,” Tru...
Official Vince G. Sparks : Writer • Blogger • Storyteller