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Showing posts from March, 2025

We're Getting the DTs

  Washington, DT - The Trumpification of America is in full force. An executive order just issued from the Oval Office will change the name of the US capital from Washington, D.C., to Washington, D.T. “You’re going to see the beautiful, greatest new nation that’s unified with the name Trump on all the best landmarks and businesses. We’re talking all the majors, as in perhaps the place with the president’s faces on the rocks. Also, looking at the bridge in San Francisco. That city is a rat hole. The far-left liberals ruined that city with the help of Caramella Harris. They say it should be Comma-LA, but I say Caramella. Look at what happened to Alcatraz. They’re telling me you can only get there in a boat. It’s in the water. Horrible decision! Just ask Al Capone. But it’s coming back bigly when Trump takes over the bridge,” Donald rambled. The White House Communications Office released a list of landmarks, attractions, and businesses that will change names after executive orders are...